Typically, young people receive the sacrament of Confirmation in the 7th or 8th grade. Much like the preparation for First Communion, this is part of a long-term formation in the life of a young person. This begins, ideally, with their religious education in Kindergarten, and goes through the formation of First Communion, through to Middle School, leading to Confirmation. This formation continues then into high school. The preparation for the specific Sacrament of Confirmation is not isolated from the whole religious education.
Because St. Paul is a small parish, the bishop comes for Confirmation every two years. This typically will consist of 7th and 8th graders.
The pastor, CRE, or CCD teacher may add other requirements for those receiving Confirmation, both for the youth as well as the parents. As with First Communion, it is expected that the parents take some part in the formation of their children, and regularly talk to them about their faith.
For those young people who have, for some reason, delayed the reception of this sacrament, they may also receive the sacrament. The preparation for this sacrament will be dealt with on an individual basis for each of these people.
Those youth who attend Catholic Schools will receive their formation for this sacrament at the school. This formation will be monitored by the pastor, who may also give additional requirements from what they receive at school. Students who go to a Catholic school will receive the sacrament of Confirmation at the parish that they attend, rather than at St. Paul Parish.
Because Confirmation is a special sacrament that involves being “Baptized in the Holy Spirit”, it is the norm that a young person should receive the Sacrament of Confirmation by the Bishop of Owensboro. This normally happens in April or May of all even years.
7) For those who are adults and have not yet received Confirmation, the normal mode of reception of this sacrament is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This can be dealt with on an individual basis with the pastor.