Sacraments & Worship Schedules
St. Paul Mass Schedule
Sunday: 8:00 AM
Monday: 8:00 AM
Tuesday: No Mass
Wednesday: No Mass
Thursday: 8:00 AM
Friday: 11:30 AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
St. Elizabeth Mass Schedule
Sunday: 10:30 AM
Monday: No Mass
Tuesday: No Mass
Wednesday: 6:00 PM
Thursday: No Mass
Friday: No Mass
First Saturday Mass: 10:00 AM
Holy Day Schedule
Holy Days of Obligation:
Vigil of Holy Day: 6:00 PM, St. Elizabeth
Morning of Holy Day: 8:00 AM, St. Paul
These usually include:
Mary, the Mother of God, January 1
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15
All Saints Day: November 1
Immaculate Conception: December 8
While Christmas is a Holy Day of Obligation, it has its own special schedule:
Christmas Eve Mass: St. Elizabeth, 6:00 PM
Christmas Midnight Mass; St. Paul, Midnight
Christmas Morning Mass, 9:00 Am
OTHER HIGH SOLEMNITIES: A solemnity is a Catholic feast day of specially
high rank. While in some cases, they are not holy days of obligation, they
nonetheless have a special observation. When these fall on a weekday, they
will have mass on these days nonetheless.
If this day falls on a:
Monday: 8 AM, St. Paul
Tuesday: 8 AM, St. Paul
Wednesday: 6 PM, St. Elizabeth
Thursday: 8 AM, St. Paul
Friday: 8 AM, St. Paul
Saturday: 9 AM, St. Paul
These Solemnities include:
Epiphany: Usually the first Sunday after New Years Day
St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary; March 19
Annunciation of Our Lord: March 25
Pentecost: 7 Sundays after Easter
Trinity Sunday: Sunday after Pentecost
Corpus Christi: Sunday after Trinity Sunday
Feast of the Sacred Heart: 19 days after Pentecost (in 2015- this will be on June 12
Nativity of St. John the Baptist: June 24
Feast of St. Peter and Paul: June 29l
Civil Holidays:
Mass will be at 9:00 AM on these days, which generally include:
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Schedule of Reconciliation
Wednesdays: 5:00- 5:45 PM; St. Elizabeth
Saturday: 1st and 3rd Saturday: St. Paul, 4:00- 4:45 PM
2nd and 4th Saturday; St. Elizabeth: 3:00- 4:00 PM
Sunday: 7:45- 8:15 AM: St. Paul
During Lent and Advent, there are extended reconciliation hours. See the bulletin
or website for more specific times.
Also, reconciliation may be done anytime by appointment with the pastor.
Eucharistic Adoration
St. Paul- every Monday (with occasional exceptions) from Noon- 9 PM
St. Elizabeth- every second Thursday of the month, 11 Am- 8 PM
Other Devotions
Monday- Chaplet of Divine Mercy; 7:50 AM
Wednesday- Angelus: 6:00 PM
Thursday- Liturgy of the Hours: after 8:00 AM mass
Friday- Angelus: 8:00 AM
Saturday- Rosary: 4:40 PM
Prayer list
Funeral Policy, Preparation, etc.
As a Christian community, it is our honor to be with the family and friends
of the deceased loved ones. We are happy to assist you in any way that we
can in your hour of need. We are glad to allow you to plan as much or as
little of the funeral liturgy as you would like. When a loved one in your
family has died, it is best to do the following:
1) Contact your local funeral home as soon as possible
2) Contact the pastor and/or parish as soon as possible
After you have contacted the pastor/parish, they will then help you in
contacting people to take care of burial, funeral liturgy, musicians,
funeral meal and other necessary arrangements. For further information on
our funeral policies and procedures, see our funeral planning procedure,
attached here.